Cross-chain In/Out Guide

Main cross-chain menu

Crosschain feature is to send a token from Bifrost-Polkadot or Bifrost-Kusama into another different network, and vice-versa.

It can be used to:

  • Cross-chain any tokens on any supported chains

  • Cross-chain DOT or KSM between Bifrost and the relay chain (DOT or KSM can only be withdrawn to exchanges from the relay chain)

It doesn't have to be used to:

  • Withdraw any tokens on exchanges, crosschain is NOT supported by exchanges.

  • Send tokens on another Bifrost account (yours, a friend)

Cross IN Bifrost from other chains

  1. Enter and click on "Cross chain" on the left main navigation to enter the cross chain page

  1. Click the chain name under "From" at the top left of the panel and select the source chain you need to cross in assets in the pop-up window

  1. Click the token under the transfer label, and select the token that needs to be cross-in in the pop-up window

  1. Enter the number of tokens that need to cross in

  1. If necessary, you can click edit under the Destination Bifrost Address label to modify the target address of the cross in asset (the default is the currently logged in address)

  2. Click on the "Cross in" button to confirm the transaction and complete the signature

Cross OUT from Bifrost to other chains

  1. Click the switch button in the middle of the panel at the top of the cross chain page to switch the direction of the cross chain, Bifrost is now the source chain

  1. Click the chain name under to label at the top right of the panel and select the target chain in the pop-up window

  1. Click the token under the transfer label, and select the token that needs to be cross out in the pop-up window

  1. Enter the number of tokens that need to cross out

  1. If necessary, you can click edit under the Destination Bifrost Address label to modify the target address of the cross out asset (the default is the currently logged in address)

  2. Click on the "Cross out" button to confirm the transaction and complete the signature

Quick token cross-chain

  1. Enter and click "Wallet" on the left main navigation to enter the wallet page

  1. On the wallet page, click on the "Crosschain" button on the right side of the token you want to transfer across chains and select cross-in/out

  1. Follow the general cross-chain operation in the pop-up window. The destination address always has to be a wallet address (never an exchange address). The address is by default the one of your connected wallet.

  1. Click on "Cross-in or Cross-out", confirm the transaction and complete the signature.

How to send KSM/DOT from an exchange to the Kusama/Polkadot relay chain

Just remember 1 simple rule: DOT and KSM always have to be on the relay chain to be transfered from/to exchanges

  • When in doubt: consult your exchange.

  • Most exchanges ask the user to provide the Kusama/Polkadot Account Address (on the Kusama/Polkadot network) where you want the KSM/DOT tokens to be sent.

  • Kusama addresses always begin with a capital letter, Polkadot addresses always start with a 1: Ex: KSM address: Cb2QccEAM38pjwmcHHTTuTukUobTHwhakKH4kBo4k8Vur8o DOT address: 16PicRbY5KkHP7oAehmKEfssM5h4t7sbVhGprqVxV5uV3Yd6

Last updated